March 10, 2017
Announcing reiki level 1 & 2
“Reiki” is a Japanese healing technique founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1900’s. It’s a process to channel universal life force energy and giving it further via hands that is why it is called traditional hands on healing technique. Reiki heals physical, mental, emotional, spiritual imbalances. Reiki means Ray & Kei which means that divine rays of the universal life force are the keys to healing. Benefits of Reiki: It helps in reducing stress, pain, anger, depression & various chronic…
Find out more »Theta healing® practitioner classes – basic dna
THETA HEALING® PRACTITIONER CLASSES with KripaJyoti (Certified Theta Healing® Instructor) SCHEDULE IN March 2017 Delhi
Find out more »Theta healing® practitioner classes – advanced dna
THETA HEALING® PRACTITIONER CLASSES with KripaJyoti (Certified Theta Healing® Instructor) SCHEDULE IN March 2017 Delhi
Find out more »Announcing two days constellation
What is a Constellation Workshop? Through being born in a human body, we inherit not only the genes but also the beliefs and patterns of the soul across time & space. Our Soul carries an energy field within which we are held, each in our own unique position, from the time we originate as a soul & being born in human form. Every individual has his/her unique energy field which is defined by how they operate in their lives by…
Find out more »August 5, 2017
Access The Bars® Class With KripaJyoti (Certified Access Bars® Facilitator) On 5th August (Saturday) 2017 in Koregaon Park, Pune Are you ready to create more ease into your life? Access Bars® is a dynamic hands-on process designed to increase your sense of joy and peace and a quick way to let go of stress and mind chatter. After receiving one bars session your whole life may get easier! How does it get any better than this? There are 32…
A Family/Soul Constellation Workshop With On 6th August (Sunday) 2017 in Koregaon Park, Pune A Family/Soul constellation workshop is an energy healing workshop which heals a person at all levels i.e. personal, spiritual, family(genetic), mass consciousness (past lives). In a constellation workshop, we discuss individual issues and with the help of the group participants we resolve those issues by practically participating in the energy grid. We understand that everything is connected and we are a sum of many different aspects working…
Find out more »March 31, 2018
Healing with Family Constellation-Body & Being
Come Join Us For One Day of "Healing with Family Constellation - Body & Being" Registration by 27th must to attend. About: This healing day is designed to work on multiple aspects of your body and being -including your relationships, health, physical intimacy and money will be dealt with on this day by using family constellation technique. Testimonial from 27th Feb 2018 : One of the recent feedback I received from Surbhi from my family constellation class on 27thfeb 18…
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