We at cosmicx healing art provide Intuitive Tarot Readings. Tarot is a very old technique, a divination to understand the hidden aspects governing our lives. Tarot uses cards(deck) to do a reading. A tarot reading provides an insight into what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what will be the coming future, if nothing is shifted. It gives us an understanding of the thought patterns which needs to be changed to get to the resolution of a situation. In a reading if the cards display unnecessary worry or stress in the person’s space then that needs to be addressed. If the cards say that he person needs to sleep more, then that person should do it. If the cards are about relationship and cards show disrespect then the required resolution shown by the cards is to be followed. Tarot is nothing but a diagnostic tool to access what is hidden.
In olden days, it was considered very sacred and hidden because of its tendency to state the truth and sometimes truth is painful. But when we allow ourselves to understand the truth by moving beyond our conscious blocks we open up to new dimensions. Through a tarot reading a person can know “WHAT IS”. A tarot reading has a tendency to change if the client chooses differently. Nothing is set in stone but mostly readings are very accurate basis of diagnosing a problem and providing solutions.Tarot card readers can help you look into the past, know the future and give a solution to problems that are likely to come your way this life.
Why to get a tarot reading done?
- When you are confused about the path and needs an answer
- When making a decision and needs guidance
- When there is a pressing issue and requires healing
- When the person just wants to know
- Out of curiosity
- When you want to know your future
- When you think something is stuck and you are not able to find it consciously
- When you a clinging onto something which is not for you, then tarot helps you to understand what is not good for you, deciding the right course of action for you.

Theta reading® is a technique of theta healing® where in just like Tarot, readings are possible. In theta readings® the reader connects to the highest plane of existence to the 7th plane, to the Creator of All That Is, coming to a theta brain wave and then connecting to the space and energies of the person thereby answering the questions.
Theta readings® are more precise and accurate as it shows the true energy which is exists. There is no scope for confusion in theta readings as it will tell what is. Through theta readings we can check the past, present and future. Also we can get a true picture of whether the marriage, relationship, job, carrier choice, moving to a different house or place will work or not. We can also check the soul’s purpose when the soul is ready to know it. Be it any aspect the readings are profound and clear. We can also scan the body and check for any disease in the body.
Through Theta readings® we can check the current state of the situation and also ask for resolutions. Anything can be asked through the theta readings® and the accuracy is more.
Note: With every reading the possibility of change is there. Readings are only valid when you are in that current state. If you choose a different course of action then the readings will change. With every change in your choices, the readings change.