Reiki is a Japanese word and is pronounced Ray-Key. It means Universal life force energy. By universal life force, I mean the essence of this universe which drives everything. It is that power that acts and lives in all created matter. Reiki is wisdom and truth. Found by doctor Mikao Usui and thus spread across nations this healing ability allows an individual to access their own inherent healing powers.
Reiki is the most simple and natural healing modality. The moment a person decides to become a Reiki channel universal life force will flow through a person’s hands, of its own accord and the person will retain these powers throughout his life. Reiki is for everyone. Anyone can become a channel and explore the gifts of reiki in his/her life and spread it into others’ lives. Reiki is being taught by a Reiki master to its students.
There are three levels of Reiki healing energy to become a channel and then to become a master.
We offer many Reiki Courses at Cosmicx Healing Art.
Reiki first degree:
This is mostly a three-hour -one-day Reiki course that takes place in Delhi (depending upon the number of people). The master attunes the student and delivers the basics of reiki, hand positions, how to use it, where to use it, when to it, the precautions required, the 21day cycle, etc. After doing level 1 you become a reiki channel and can practice yourself.
Reiki second degree:
Level two is a more advanced form of reiki energy. It is a one-day course. The person must have been attuned to level one first in order to do level two. This level gives attunements, symbols, various ways to do reiki, touch and distance healing, situational healing, healing with other alternate modalities say crystals, sound therapy, water therapy, music, healing self, and others.
Reiki third degree(Master healer level):
This level is like the booster dose of Reiki energy. Pre-requisites level one and two. After doing this level the person’s energies and powers amplify multiple times. This is a four-five hours class(depending upon the number of people). This gives students attunements, certificates, master symbols, and techniques to use Reiki in a more advanced way.
Reiki Mastership (Teacher Level) :
Here one becomes the teacher/Master of Reiki and can teach others. This three-day Reiki course in Delhi gives you the opportunity to learn certain things that may help you prosper better in the future.