Depression: the word itself creates a lot of disturbance, let alone those who suffer from it experience a great turmoil every day. Depression is a clinically diagnosed psychiatric problem but does that mean it cannot be cured. I don’t think so. Depression can be healed. It is a symptom to a great deal of causes. Those causes can be one’s lifestyle, things not working, lack of love or money, lack of anything significant, any genetic causes, anything one experienced in their life which caused the feelings of grief, pain, sorrow. In general, depression is caused by a sense of struggling & difficult life. Usually, who suffer from depression, suffer from altered brain chemicals.
Can Depression be cured?
Yes, all these above-mentioned causes and much more can be healed through the help of healing techniques. In healing therapy, we don’t give any medications. We heal the root cause of the person and sometimes it comes from soul level healing. Healing provides not only a changed outlook on life but it can also shift one’s consciousness.
I have dealt with cases of depression in my practice and I have found that it can be cured if the person who is suffering from depression wants to get out of it but don’t know how? Both healing & coaching helps a person to get out of depression & experience a new life.Maybe this article can bring some light to those who want to get out of depression but are particularly unaware of any method to get out it.
No matter how many years of depression one is experiencing this can be healed. It’s a change in your state of being that shifts your energy from being depressed to something more exciting.
Those looking a way to get out it can ask themselves these questions as a start:
1. On a scale of 0-10, where do you rate yourself as depressed? 0 being minimum & 10 being maximum
2. Now, what do you want to do with this score? Do you want to change it?
3. Are you willing to choose something other than depression? What would be that?
4. How responsible are you towards your own life? Are you willing to take more responsibility for your life?
5. What is the opposite of depression for you?
6. On a scale of 0-10 where do you rate yourself for this energy______________? (the opposite of depression) 0 being minimum & 10 being maximum
7. Where in the body do you feel this opposite energy?
8. Can you expand it daily?
As you do this exercise you will notice that daily your opposite energy for depression will change. Want to try it? Well, you better get started!