Family Constellation is a process founded originally by Bert Hellinger and thereby used by many others each contributing to the process more in their own unique way. Family constellation defines that each one is a part of the family system. Through being born in a family we not only inherit the biological genes but also its beliefs and values, our behaviors are defined by the type of family we are born into, our genetics. Our family is an energy field within which we are held, each in our own unique position, from the time we are born. Every individual has his/her unique patterns which govern his/her existence and living. These patterns being unique come forth when displayed in a family matrix/ grid. The character of our family energy field is formed by our family’s history, the country, including its religion and beliefs, i.e. its conscience. The family energy field is shaped by powerful events such as relationship history of parents and grandparents, early deaths of children and spouse, miscarriages, abortions, adoptions, wars, having to leave one’s country, changing one’s religion, incest, ancestors who are victims and perpetuators, trust, betrayal, roots of the family, lack of support and strength, separation, divorce, prevalent disease in the family and so forth.
Family constellation therapy/systemic healing also move beyond the family consciousness to an individual’s personal and spiritual consciousness. When we resolve the family energy field sometimes the other two also shifts on their own. But sometimes there are specific factors which are to be considered while working on the personal and spiritual consciousness. Through a process of systemic healing we take care of such factors bringing a holistic growth in an individual.
Family constellation therapy/systemic healing hence is a process which lays down the truth of a person at many levels be it personal, spiritual, or family roots which goes unnoticed at a conscious level. The matrix defines that if there is something inside the matrix which has caused disorder of certain nature then the resolution for that is also available within that same matrix. By shifting the elements within the matrix and by adding something which the field requires, huge shifts come forth.
Chakra’s Constellation:
Chakra constellation focuses on healing and aligning each and every chakra in the body. This not only opens up the complete central energy meridian but also bring forth the challenges and strengths of each chakra. This in turn brings out the strengths and weaknesses of that person and a resolution in that effect. There is a flow of energy from top to bottom and bottom to up when dealing with chakras. That flow of energy is aligned in this constellation. Overall it balances the physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual aspects of the individual.
The Process:
The process involves a group of people ready to role play in the matrix (constellation) of the person. Each member of the group gets a chance to participate in other’s matrix as well as can get his/her own matrix done. It is a highly energy sensitive field and would require seriousness to shift on individual’s part. Those who are interested in finding permanent long term resolutions for their life shall get it done. It resolves many aspects. Before coming to the constellation a person should check his/her readiness to go through the process of change as after bringing the resolution in the constellation serious productive and positive changes happen which sometimes are difficult to understand in the short term scenario, but becomes clear as the person moves forward in life. This modality can also be done in an individual setting as in individual session. The time duration normally last from say 15 minutes to 2hrs max.