You are an Energy being. Everything is energy and vibration. Chakras are an important part of your energy body. These are the energy centers of your body. They are called the wheels of life because they govern various aspects of your life. How your energy centers move depends on how your thoughts move. Your thoughts control the energy flow within and around you. The chakras are also known as Shock-Rush which means wheel. They look like wheels both in front and back body. The front chakras govern the receiving flow while the back chakras govern the giving flow of energy. Your chakras radiate & receive energy constantly. If you hold negative thoughts your chakras become dirty & dense which again becomes clean the moment your shift your thoughts to positive ones. The normal movement of chakras is clockwise direction unless they are blocked which will make them move anticlockwise or still. To clean the chakras daily focus & meditation is required. There are many chakras in our body Major and Minor. For daily functioning we focus on the major ones.
There are seven major chakras as:
We at CosmicxHealingArt provide chakra knowledge in two type of course levels:
Basic Chakra System : It’s a one day course to know your chakras their functioning, role, color, meditations regarding cleansing, healing, balancing of your chakras. This course also helps to understand the importance of these chakras in your day to day living and how thoughts affect your chakras, with the help of exercises and techniques. This is for beginners.
Duration of the class: 1 day (10am-6pm)
Advanced Chakra System : This is a three day course where in you receive an in depth knowledge of your chakras, their function, their role various techniques to heal your own chakras, meditations on each chakra, the flow of energy, chakra alignment. Basically we focus on each chakra individually clearing the chakra of blocks thereby resolving various issues on its way and aligning the energy flow, understanding source light. This is for advance level individuals (healers, psychics, therapist and people already aware of themselves) and also for those who have some knowledge about chakra system and are keen to learn more,who for some reason are not able to improve their life. The blocks which are addressed through this course are intense and definitely bring major shifts. The chakra mediations are my own self channeled.
Duration: 3 days (10am-6pm)