Hypnotherapy as we all know in today’s world started in the 1950’s.In 1765 it was named as ‘Mesmerism’ which means to magnetize people. In 1840, Dr. James Braid believed that Mesmerism was a suggestible state resembling a nervous sleep. Today ‘Mesmerism’ bears a title that Dr. James gave it ” Hypnotism”-a Greek word meaning Sleep.
Hypnotherapy is a technique wherein the methodology of hypnosis is used. Hypnosis is a state of altered awareness in which access is available to the sub-conscious mind. The process is initiated by an overload of message units, leading to breakdown of the inhibitory processes of the Critical Mind. Hypnosis involves a state of anxiety being created by the hypnotist which in turn triggers off the flight-fight response from the sub-conscious mind. Unlike the sleep state in which one is oblivious of what is happening around him/her, the hypnotic state is one in which the conscious mind is awake and aware of what is going on, simultaneously providing access to the sub-conscious mind. When under hypnosis a person( subject) goes through many physiological changes such as: Changes in breathing, Dryness of lips & throat, Rapid eye movement. Once in Hypnosis, the flight mechanism takes over, breathing becomes shallow and the body becomes more relaxed.
We normally experience the hypnotic state many numbers of times in a day, when we are in extreme situations of panic or anxiety our sub conscious mind takes over allowing us to experience hypnotic state. The only differential characteristic between Anxiety and Hypnosis is : Hypnosis is a pleasurable state within a controlled environment wherein Anxiety is a worried, fearful state within an uncontrolled environment. When overacting of the senses takes place causing extreme receptiveness, the hypnotized subject is guided with positive suggestions while the Anxious person is guided by his own negativity.
Hypnotherapy in today’s world is more advanced and used as a therapeutic and healing modality in a Clinical setup, thus given the name of Clinical Hypnotherapy, wherein proper and systematic approach to therapy is followed. The basic premise on which Hypnotherapy works is that everything starts from a thought and our thoughts are stored in our mind. Our thoughts are affected by our environment, our memories, our intra-uterine impressions, our past lives, and external energies in our space. Once a thought is formed either good or bad it affects our behaviors/actions, beliefs/values, patterns, habits, environment/activities, our emotions/energies, our physical body and overall ‘Who we are’.
Through the approach of Clinical hypnotherapy we use various techniques in a defined manner through which an overall healing takes place at The Body, Mind and Soul level.
Hypnotherapy can be used to deal with various diseases such as :
- Asthma
- Fatigue & general health
- Cancer
- Depression
- Psychosomatic Disorders
- Management of various habits
- Smoking cessation
- Alcohol n drugs management
- Handling abuse
- Career and finances
- Concentration
- Anxiety
- Stress management
- Anger management
- Behaviour management
- Weight Loss
- Handling fears and phobias
- Voids
- Inner child healing
- Releasing Oaths, Vows & Curses
- Higher Self talk
- LBL- Life Between Lives
- Foreign Energy/ Spirit release and many more aspects of life are healed and managed by hypnotherapy giving the individual complete health and well being.
Things to be noted:
A Hypnosis session is intense and a person readiness is required. We cannot work on someone distantly through hypnosis. The person’s will heals him/her the most. The client should follow the procedure as guided by the therapist for great results. The numbers of sessions varies from person to person depending on the case.
We also do past life regression using the technique of hypnosis.
You are carrying a backlog since lifetimes which has created an issue in your current existence .Kindly be patient and willing to go with the process to clear that backlog. This can mean the numbers of sessions will varies as per your karmic backlog. Your patience and persistence will help us to help you the most.